Postpartum Prep
Hey Guys… it has totally been a while since I have updated my blog and have been consistent on pumping out info and updates on ALL things Melina Fitness. So… let me give you a little update as I am going through one of the hardest things within myself internally, POSTPARTUM.
Melina Fitness has always been a brand that I wanted to expand not only through “fitness” as that is what I do and have done for over two decades… hence the name “Melina Fitness,” but I also wanted my brand to be a network that made people feel included, confident, and inspired through their health and fitness journey.
For me, Fitness has always been the thing that gave me confidence. It was where I found myself, my passions, and my purpose. FItness itself was the vehicle that led me to so many opportunities to make a difference in people’s lives, and also led me to experience so much in life through various jobs, collaborations and educational knowledge.
Two years ago I took a course by brand and digital marketing expert Amy Porterfield, as I wanted to really rebrand and redefine what “Melina Fitness” actually is, and what content I really wanted to put out there and what audience I really wanted to attract. I narrowed down my niche and decided that I wanted to only offer TWO live programs a year and really focus on getting the attention of women who wanted to shift their lifestyles and redefine themselves using my methods and tools to build their confidence, fitness and create new healthy habits that would change their life and mindset as a whole.
And HONESTLY, I want to be everyone’s friend, because there aren’t enough “good ones” out there! I personally went through a period of a lot of loss, and through that I found my true authentic self and accepted that God had a bigger and better plan for me. After this loss, I began working alongside various entrepreneurial women that changed my life and my mindset. This was the road I was meant to take and I truly am grateful for that.
While I’m nearly 2 years into my rebrand, I have found myself in a place where I’m redefining myself yet again as a NEW mom to a one year old daughter. It has been a struggle to say the least, all in which I will be sharing in a “Postpartum Prep” Documentary where I discuss my journey as a 40 year old fitness pro working on my personal health and the major setbacks I have faced both mentally and physically.
Postpartum is different for everyone, every body, and every mindset. And while a child is the greatest gift of all, you have to make sure that you give yourself the gift of self love and grace while you heal into your NEW life.
As a small business owner, entrepreneur and new mom, there is a lot to handle and a lot of pressure, especially with social media and marketing changing constantly. I’ve decided I need to truly stay TRUE to who I am and let the rest go to God.
I want to say thank you to those who have been with me for a while and followed my journey throughout various phases of my life and continue to support little ‘ol “Melina Fitness!” Whether you have been a student, client, colleague, follower or are NEW here, thank you for supporting my brand.
There is one thing that I am confident in, and that is that I will continue to pursue my passions and strive to grow my brand, my partnerships, my team, and encourage everyone that there is more to life than we could ever imagine as long as you believe and have faith.
Stay tuned for my next program launch this Fall, and please feel free to always reach out and connect with me!
Xoxo, Melina
PS- follow my social media platforms and stay up to date on my programs, product launches and documentaries.